Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Bailey Redmond
Fashion Merchandising 

Felipe, a puppy,  was spayed and has
all ready been adopted

  • I was interested in the class because we got to work with animals. It furthered my interest by using my camera and knowing what to do with it to get great results. From there the great results were even further developed in making those great results master pieces. Blogging cam next and then turning in our final to the animal shelter was the icing on the cake, it put a smile on my face to see that they used what I made.
  • The most valuable part of this course would be learning about my camera, how to edit pictures, and how to blog. I think these three things have been most valuable for me in the course. Out of these three tho I think using my camera would be at the top for my most valuable part of this photography course. 
  • I was not expecting to learn about PhotoShop and all the entails with that program.  This program can do so much to your picture it's crazy. I'm still a little rusty at using some of the tools on there but still making progress in the right direction .
  • Photography can impact animal overpopulation by giving a visual to the people. The visual will allow the people to see what the animals look like before the claim or decided to adopt. The more photos that really bring out the animal the more get adopt and get the animals out so there isn't a boat load of animals, over the max.


I found this little piece on the American Humane Association that ties into the over population.
"Each year, approximately 8 million stray and unwanted animals are taken in by shelters across the country. Tragically, about 3.7 million -- nearly half -- of these animals must be euthanized because good homes cannot be found for them. In fact, shelter euthanasia is the leading cause of death for both dogs and cats in the United States."
-American Humane Association ; Animals, Pet Overpopulation. 
Copyright © 2011 American Humane Association  6/12/2012
Describe: Animal overpopulation is mistreating animals by breeding ( not knowing what your doing), not adopting pets,  and not knowing where the animal came from ( no information about the animal).  
             Breeding-Some people in recent years have realized that it is a good idea to spay and neuter their pets. There are a few who bread their pets to get money and others do it for the experience and fun. If you  don't get your pet fixed you and the animal are at risk, your dog or cat could go to the neighbors down the street or simply just in the yard to do their business.  Spay and neutering come in to play when puppies and kittens are more the 5 weeks old. It's the right cautious path to go down to keep your animal somewhat protected. 
           Not adopting-  If there was no option to adopt these poor animals would sitting in cages  not getting the proper attention needing.  These animals need to get out of the cage run around and be loved.  By adopting an animal you are taken them to a loving home with everything included, meaning that the dog or cat has been fixed and is healthy.
        There are a handful of cases where animals come in unidentified.  Their are many that are stray and some who's owners wont come back. It saddens me that if your pet isn't home they won't try to find it and get it back.
 Interpret:  Based on what I have learned and observed while taken this course , animal overpopulation is ridiculous.   I feel like taken care of the animal in any way shape or form is common sense. With that being said there are steps if one would like to breed their dogs and cats. I would get all the information I could before taken on the responsibilities. Once in the processes of breeding , I would then get them all fixed and treated so that they are healthy before selling and giving them away.  I have seen a few examples of kittens and litters that have been brought in either found, could take care of, and of course none of them are fixed. It is important that these animals be fixed so there are no issues at home with breeding with the wild and spreading more disease. It kills me that people just breed for the fun of it not sure what they are really doing. Overpopulation is a big issue and if people are aware of what  they are doing I think there will be and even bigger decline of population. Today there was a small litter of puppies that were getting spayed and neutered. One step in the right direction, there are little steps that people can do to prevent overpopulation too.
Evaluate: I think that society is split on the issue of overpopulation of animals.  There are some people that will do whatever it takes to get there dog fixed and car for it. Then on the flip side there are the ones that just want  more to they can make a profit, not really caring about the animal.  There a various attemps liek getting the animal neutered/spayed , adopt for a shelter that knows what they are doing, and take in account the responsibilities at sake before diving in. 











Saturday, June 9, 2012

To continue volunteering or no?

I think that I will continue to volunteer at the shelter when the course is finished next week. I can still take photos, I just got trained to walk the dogs, and who doesn’t know how to cuddle? This opportunity is amazing and it really helps out the shelter, makes me happy, and most of all means the world to each and every animal.  I really enjoy the shelter as a whole and I have learned a lot about what goes on, how the animals are doing, and what I could be doing to help.

trying to calm the dog down, give it some attention
 More pictures to come!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My 3-Step Plan

An idea of the dogs being dressed

Step One: 
      I would assist Kayley with her idea about collaborating fashion and photography. These two would be both of our creative skill working together to make a wonderful outcome. This is mainly Kayley's idea; she wants to put on a fashion show allowing the dogs to be showed off dazzled up down the runway.   There will be dogs on course, models that will show of the dogs, sponsors, etc. The dogs will be wearing collars and scarves or something the will spice them out a bit. This event will happen sometime in the fall  at either a park or a few other places possibly and the benefits will go towards the shelter. 
Step Two:
     Kayley will have to come up with a proposal to the county about what she wants to do and all the details the fashion show will include. This is a big process because it could either be accepted or denied.  I really hope is works out for her because I think that the shelter could really use every source of help to get people aware of what’s going on. 
All he needs is a Model 
and he's ready!
Step Three:
      This whole process of putting together a fashion show is time consuming. I do however think that she can get this done with my assistance and help from her boss this will turn out amazing. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Describe, Interpret & Evaluate

Describe: Photography can have an impact on so many things.   Photos can make memories last and can say a thousand words. Those could consist of weddings, birthdays, sport events, proms-school dances, graduations, family time, with your friends, trips, and more. Photography can be so useful as well. Photography is important to the animal shelter because it allows people to see them online. Once online the people can have a sense of what is at the shelter before coming. Photos can sell the animal; appearance can mean the world when it comes down to photography. If the animal looks good, meaning can see the whole figure, it’s not blurry, looks adorable in the picture.
Interpret: My artistic skills can enhance and have a great impact on the outcome.  By using various features in Photoshop, I can spice up the picture and really make is stand out. I can take a photo of the animals, brighten them up, make them un blurry, have shadows and highlights, and much more.  Another way my artistic skills can help is by adding a blurb that sparks the interest of the people.  I can add information like if they have any tricks, cuddle, and interact with people. Artistic skill can go a long way and really enhance the photos so that the animal is more visible and appealing.
Evaluate: Yes, there are other art forms that are available that would have a positive impact on the shelter. Fashion is one other art form. This form was brought me by Kayley is still being worked out and what not. But the main target in using fashion  is spicing up the animals looks.  Making various things for the animals and showing them off in places that would be appropriate such as a park of some sort. I can imagine collaborating with another art form because when it comes down to it, it’s about getting welcoming a new pet home with the love that they deserve.

I put my artistic skills into all three of these animals’ photos. They look 10 times better than the original. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Most Valuable Thing About This Class!

Taken 949 ( Photography on the Web) has really taught me a lot of various things and have opened my eyes. These various things that have opened my eyes have are very valuable.  I mean okay, so I  have a camera and no the basics, like how to turn on/off , zoom in/out, and to take picture but that's about it. Cameras and to tools that can also go with them plus the photos seem to be in their own separate world to me. 

              Most Valuable: 
{Through out this course I have found  a few aspects that were valuable}

  • Learning about Cameras:  When it comes down using my Point and Shoot camera, I really have no clue how to use it. I have learned that you can change the lighting with the different settings that you are in. I have also found useful is the what the ISO is and what is all entitled in my programs. Professor Johnstone sat down with me one on one to go over how to use my camera and what it can do. Man, now that I know how to use everything its has been amazing and picture turn out great. 
  • Blogging: With this class it entails that we have to blog. Blogging to me seems very useful and has defiantly grown on me throughout these past five weeks. It's useful to blurb about various things like this and interest you have. I will continue the world of blogging either through posting about animals or through my point of interest and major.  I really think that blogging has been valuable to me and has sure opened my eyes to new things and ideas as well.
  •  Leela
    I have change a few setting on my camera, like
    the ISO and a few other settings. In PhotoShop
    I cropped, re-sized, brighten, brought out the shadows
    and contrasts as well!!
  • PhotoShop: I have never really used this program before till this class. This tool has allowed me to spice up my photos drastically. The online videos show step by step show how to do what is asked. I find it somewhat easy and challenging at the same time. I think my progress is improving and I surely with be using this to give my pictures a little make over.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just saying "Hello"

My little guys just wanted to stop in a say "Roof Roof Roof Roof"! Keep up the fabulous work everyone, you are all almost there just two weeks away!  My male dog Puck, is just so eager for me to bring home another play date for him! He loves that we cuddle with them and really make them feel comfortable  as well. On the  other hand  my female dogs, Matilda, Stella, and Riley are just taken back on what a great thing each and every one of you are doing. You have know idea what you have done to help the shelter out but most importantly the animals.  They all again say keep of the good work and they can't wait for the next two weeks blog updates!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Techniques

Nick Id# 70781
I use the noise to get his attention
and the various tools that I
taught to bring out Nicks features
 I feel that throughout this course so far they a little bit of every technique can help. I know that the videos, class time, asking questions,and  having Professor Shannon there at the shelter have all taught me various steps to help me in my process.  The videos have assisted me with making a blog, setting up my thumb drive, and figuring out the odds and ends to PhotoShop. They are a little tricky to follow, but it really helps that Shannon shows you step by step what to do. Class times allows me to apply the techniques we learned through PhotoShop and apply them to my photos.  The third thing that helps me out is asking questions, they get me father in the process and gets me out of various issues I encounter.  The most important is Professor Shannon. She has showed use techniques with editing our photos to handling the animals. Shannon has helped us  with tools of PhotoShop that cut the time down, and other tools that really enhance our pictures. At the shelter, working with the animals she has taught us how to make noise to get the animals attention, how to approach them and with that comes the love.  I so desperately want the animals to know that we are going to harm by all means. I talk to them like if they are my own, in a calm voice, and give them the love that they deserve. I have learned that each animal requires different kind of noises, attention, and love. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Other Critters

ID# 72068
This week and some of last week I had the chance of take pictures of critters. These fellas were quite challenging to take pictures of.Growing up I had two rabbits, fourteen Guinea pigs, 3 water-slider turtles, 5 hamsters, and on top of the four dogs that animals can be a fun handful. For example,I know trying the rabbits that we had when I was a kid was challenging, they would squirm and hop around. The Guinea pigs would make whistle noise and scoot around in places where they wanted hide for me. The turtles would hide in their shells or act like they are trying to swim away in the air. The hamsters are fast and nibble here in there. So, with my experience with my personal farm house i knew my sudden movements would distract the critters.  Using photography with the critters was certainly a challenge. I know at the shelter today even with my past experiences the animals were still scared and reacted accordingly. There were newly delivered Guinea pigs, super cute but didn't want to be held. The poor little guys were startled when I brought out the camera. I wouldn't blame the critters,poor things are in a brand new place. Hopefully with a new home and some love these guys will learn to relax.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two weeks and still no home :(!

 Many still with no home and a few that have found homes!  

   Today was rough, considering I was out of town and I was a day or two behind in visiting the shelter. When I visited the shelter for the first time this week, I over heard that the dogs  as a whole were not doing so well.  The weather is having a great impact on the shelter, especially with the heat fluctuating. The dogs are acting according to their bowels and other symptoms. It was hard to walk on the adoption dog floor and see  them more miserable then ever today. I really hope that the shelter does something now that the heat is beginning to rise again.  
ID# 71772
5/21/12 Coca came to shelter and left that day!
  When I was browsing the various animals I noticed that in the past two weeks that there had been a handful or more that were still at the shelter.  I went to see the cats and there were about 6 or so cats that had been there for the past two weeks.  On the other hand the dogs, were very new. There were so many new batches of dogs and sadly still some that had been 
since last week. There were about
 three that I had see that had 
overlapped for two weeks and really 
Coca is going HOME! This women that
adopted her was so excited the
come and actually get Coca! Her and her
 sister rushed that morning to come to the shelter
 to see this particular dog!!
to find homes! I a hopeful that these wonderful animals can find homes this coming week. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Responsible Pet Ownership

causal as can be, so cute!
Responsible pet ownership can entail a lot. Over the past two weeks volunteering at Wake County Animal Shelter  I have noticed  how people really do treat their animals. Responsible pet ownership is taking  full care of your pet no matter what. When thinking about getting a pet weigh out the pros and cons and where you are at that time.  That includes knowing what to expect prior to getting the animal,  the expenses that go in to getting the animal, taking care of the animal ( food, vet visits, toys,etc).  I believe there are those few out there that just don't have a clue where to begin with getting a pet and the outcome is terrible. There are a handful of ones that are understandable but there are down right  those ones that are mistreated their pet across the boarder. The few that I have seen that I understand are ones that can't afford the pet, moving, or a drastic experience occurred.  Just in the past two day there have been  a couple of surrender sheets with dogs and cats that have sad reasons as to why they can't keep their animal. On the other hand there are the  are two that I would like to mention that to me have failed their responsibly of pet ownership. The first one I saw today, the dog ran away and got turned into the shelter. Kayley and Brittany were taken their photos when I stepped into the lobby where this man, not all there was trying to claim is dog back.  I over heard him say," It's him, he was even wagging his tail". The employee working with this gentleman was asking various question and the owner clearly did not care just wanted the pet back so his children would quit whinnying. He did seem thrilled that he was getting his dog back or assuring that this won't happen again. I could take it and told Kayley all about what had happen. I guess I'm still at that judging stage and need to work through it. The second incident with poor ownership would be letting or getting dogs just so they can fight. It kills me to see the dogs have abuse marking on them. I couldn't imagine beating or letting my dog fight another.

Interview with an employee
Video curtousey of me and and permission with interviewer Joanne Duna
May 24, 2012
Living  the life!

Interview with a visitor
   " Responsible pet ownership consists of an owner taking a pet into their home with the understanding and passion to support and care for the animal. A pet owner should be willing to put their  time money and effort into their pet to provide the animal with the best care to provide a safe, happy , and positive environment.  "
-Emily Stephens, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Surrender Sheets

Surrendering animals to the shelter consists of a number of reasons that the owner is turning them in.  Volunteering for the past two weeks I have read some pretty heart breaking stories and reasons behind giving up their animal. It is very tough  to not judge when they come in personally to the shelter and you over hear what they have to say, it's defiantly a learning process for me in this situation still.  Being in contact with the animal and knowing wht they have been through brakes my heart and puts tears in my eye.  I know I am doing the right thing to help these animals out the best I can.

Here is just a few of the many of my experience with animals that have been surrendered.

  1. Felix ID# 36960

Felix is a male who is 2 1/2 years old. This little guy is quite the little character and he was surrendered to the shelter because the owner  was moving. This cat has such a great sweet personality and he is very friendly to just about anyone. Felix like to play, cuddle, and isn't shy to tell you when he wants some attention. This cat keeps makes me smile when i see him and just wants someone that really cares for him and love him the way he needs to be love. 
  1. Abby ID# 71472
  2. Abby is a year old lab hound mix.  She was surrendered to the shelter May of last week due to her loving owner getting too old to take care of. Her owner adored Abby and had lots of great things to say about her.  Abby is some what house trained, she does well with cats and other dogs too.  She is filled with personality and she knows how to sit and is still working on shaking.  She is going to be a great addition to any family, even with other animals. 
  3. Mini ID# 71430
 Mini is an 11 month old female cat.  She was surrendered to the shelter  May of last week due to her owner was loosing his or her job and had to move from a house to an apartment.  Mini is a cat that just wants to cuddle up next to and and get some attention.  She is super young and just wants the right family to scoop her home and treat her right. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


There are a few observations that I have made about animal turn-over at the shelter.  I notice today that when taking note of all the dogs on the adoption floor and  there was a number of over lapping. I had seen a handful of dogs that I had seen last week.  Out of the dogs in each of the room I spotted about twelve from last week the were turned-over and about eight fresh one's for this week so far. The room that had one of the dogs I had photographed from last week had six that had been overlapped. No, this does not surprise me that there was that much of a turn-over. I think the reason that there are turn-overs is because the dog is not feeling well, in surgery, resting for the day, and in foster & has come back. On the other hand, yes, I am surprised that animals are being over lapped.  I think the volunteers and people who work there can spice things up for the animals as much as they can if possible. To do so, getting them healthy, clean, put back in place and them looking 100% the best that they can be.

Id# 71472
 Sweet Abby here is filled with energy and is super cute. I believe that she
  her potential reason for  her overlapping is because of where she is being placed and that people probably think she is too wild. She isn't wild she is just eager to have attention and be loved. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Critique: Strengths & Improvement

This photo was in the first batch of photos that I took. This photo was not on the top of my list of being the best but it is suitable for the job. There are a few strengths that bring out the picture and there are defiantly areas of improvement they could be done.
Strengths are very  important to the photos, really shows off the animal. The positive sides to this photo are key  to what sells the animal so that they can be adopted. People are attracted to the ups of the photo.   The three strengths that stand out to me the most  are  the amount of light, eyes, and how the dog doesn't look miserable.   The first  one, the amount of light is key because its brings out the color and there are a lot of color . Light  is also a strength because it livens  the animal , rather them be in total darkness and can't really notice them. The second  strength are the eyes. I think that I capture the spark;e in both of the eyes at Baylee is  looking at me.  The last strength is how Baylee does not look miserable. She is so sweet , cuddling,  and just looks so happy with he r little tongue sticking out.
There is also areas of improvement in this picture of Baylee. The three improvements are background,  more  of the dog, and expression. The background needs much improvement, I should of done a better job cropping more of my partner out. The background is distracting in a way that takes away from the main image. The next improvement would be to see more of this dog. I should of gotten a full shot of Baylee standing and more of her body should of been visible. Finally the last area of improvement would be the dogs expression. Getting the dog to focus is hard enough and to capture them to get an impression is even more of a struggle. They are just so excited to get attention and love that capturing that one moment is tough
Id #70974

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Where do they come from?

        Like many of us in our class volunteering at Wake County Animal shelter from the past two weeks, I have began to take in, that these animals come from all over the county. The animals are spotted on the streets, neighborhood, or near complexes. People in the county bring in animals for a number of reasons. They simply are unable to care for their pets. Animal shelter and some organizations that partner with the shelter come across animals and bring them to shelter. Some people bring in the animals in because there are moving and their animals aren't allowed where their going or unable to take care of. There were a few times within the two weeks they we started at the shelter that two families had two give up animals because of them moving. Lastly and the one that breaks my heart the most is the ones that just don't want the animal at all.  Whatever the issue maybe the animals come to Wake County Animal Shelter.  I know seeing first hand how many animals come in daily, is mind blowing. I talk to my mom on the phone and it hard for her to understand why I see day to day.  I also never really new just how many people really come to the shelter to give or hand over animals.  Another part that got to me was that the ones who are attached to their animals that have to give them up. Its so hard to watch a family go through, this is defiantly an emotional process as well. Going through the main entrance and being in the lobby is a whole different world. The looks that people have on their faces is so tough to watch.  The sights that I have seen I defiantly question,"How could someone get rid of  their animal,its part of the family." It blows my mind , but since attending the shelter I have to be more open about the choice make. Me and Kayley go together and we talk about how truly hard this is to experience and watch.  Deep down this  something that means the world to me and I know that I am doing the right thing. It's a struggle not to cry and get upset but at the end of the day I feel great because I have helped in some kind in the step process to get the animal out.
ID# 71558

There was a few pictures that were good but this one was top of my list. Fabulous shot of this little guy! Maddox, he is so sweet and just wants to be loved. This was the first cat that I did not need some sort of assistance with getting his attention.  I did it by myself, and he is all curled up and ready to be cuddled with. Maddox is full of personality and ready for a home!  I am thrilled with this picture of him because of the lighting and hes looking at me. He got his fair sure of cuddling and is want more!

Friday, May 18, 2012

What in The World? Meta-Data

This is a whole new world for me!
A picture is worth a thousand words and spicing the picture up can go a long way.Using different programs can help spice and enhance that photo.
This tool seems very useful and opens the door to so many paths, that you lead you to vvarious options you can do with your photos. Metadata is important key for making the best out of the photo.Without metadata it seems that the original image is nothing and isn't the best quality.  
 Taken this class this I think that Meta-Data will help me in the class organizing my photos. The organization can consist or mundane. That allows me to then illustrate my picture with various characteristics. The tools especially the organizing tool is going to be my best friend. There is a lot more to meta data and I think that there is more to it that will not only help me but everyone in our class in some way shape or form.
Little Man
May 17, 2012

In this photo to the left,I took this with my camera on a special affect that allowed me to change the background.I think this featured helped slightly, in that it brightened up the colors and really popped the need areas. The eyes really got the since of color popping and twinkle in the eye effect too.

For more information please see the following websites
1. Summary/Overview 2. Link Applications  
3. Creating Template

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nova's Dog Decoded

Watching Nova's Dog Decoded, I was really intrigued throughout the video and what they had to say about dogs.  I learned, but was not expecting the researchers findings to be the way they were. The dogs were scene as a mixture of a wolf and fox. The findings lead more towards dogs coming from wolfs, but seems to have taken a new direction now.  I did know that dogs sort of originated from wolfs and they cross breaded some how. I didn't really put to two and two together.  But researchers are still trying to figure out how the dogs went from being a lot  like the wolf and having those traits , to switching gears and  coming from other traits.
The video was put together made it seem like dogs were this wild diseased creature that just came to life out of the blew. This does not change my view about the shelter at all. The dogs in the shelter just want to have a loving home, they are not disease. The shelter tries to prevent any kind of disease and provides the best care for the animals as they can. I think that the animals that are in the shelter are viewed by the public as having issues that need to be taken care of and now they are left hopelessly to fend from themselves. Fend from themselves is that the animal has to go through a series of tests, put in a small cage, having countless people walk by it a day awaiting that time they pick you to take home. All of this takes a toll on the animal, they are all eager, have hope that today is their day for adopting.

Been in the shelter for quite sometime !
String Bean
Date in shelter  2/3/2012
Date available= NOW
May 16, 2012 - May 17, 2012
String Bean
The sweat little girl ever, she is 4 years old and is
very lovable and ready for a home.
May 16, 2012 - May 17, 20

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Capture My Attention

      Getting my Attention ... SO easy to do!
            This past Monday May 14, 2012,  I went to the animal shelter to begin taken pictures and getting some  practice with my camera. It clicked quickly how much easier done then said these tasks were going to be.  I struggled on this day getting my new camera orientated and handling the animals, mainly the dogs. A majority of the animals were so eager to have human interaction, it was hard to walk away. This was so tough to get their attention and snap a that one shot. After the first real interaction with the animals, I left with stories to tell my friends and family. I was very excited about what I was doing and it meant a lot to me. 
             When I got home,  I was eager to look on the Wake County Animal Shelter Adoption site and sort of compare what animals I had seen and the many others that were on the site.. When I was glancing at the adoption list, I realized just how important that one photo can be and can really make a difference. The photos really need to be focused on the animal its self and to block out the background.  On the website there were various pictures that got my attention, such as this one.
Mr. Wellington 
Mr. Wellington id:70133Photo Courtesy of Wake County Animal Shelter http://services.wakegov.com/adoptiongallery/
May 16, 2012 
viewed and accessed 
This photo really caught my attention by the way Mr. Wellingtons faces is. The photo captures the sparkle in the eyes and makes you focus in on them .   This photo also capture my attention because of the lighting and the different colors. The background defiantly helps bring out Mr. Wellington's coat.  This photo also as you can see came with a video,  this also caught my attention and immediately had to watch it. I thought to my self for a second, "It's a bigger basset hound"! 

String Bean

As you can see in this it really doesn't capture String Bean at all. She a, isn't looking a the camera, b there is background distractions, c the lighting seems a little off. This photo doesn't show of the best of the sweet dog.
This is another photo of String mean that is two times as better that the first one. This get the snap shot head on and really brings out the best in her. The lighting it bright which brings out the colors in her fur and also you get the twinkle, sparkle in the eyes. So, in all this is the better of the two because she is actually looking at the camera, less of a distraction, and the lighting is on point.



To give away or reunite or find a friend!


My heart could just melt, this face
 to precious, Take Me Home!
May 16 viewed  & received


To find a friend, adopt a pet,  there are different fees that apply to different situations. There are general pet fees for dogs , cats, and other animals, but  it also depends if the animals have been fixed

Dog Adoption                              $45
Dog Spay/Neuter Fee                $50
Cat Adoption                                $15
Cat Spay/Neuter Fee                 $30
Bird                                           $20
Ferret                                        $45
Guinea Pig                               $15
Reptile                                      $30
Rodent                                     $
Rabbit                                       $20

The Wake County Animal Shelter is open 24/7 taken in all different types of animals. It is not however open at all hours to see the pets, see site for details.The shelter can not just hand out the animals right away, the animals have to be properly treated and then they are allowed to be taken. However it would be nice becasue they found a home and it would be bad because the animal needs the proper care first hand.

Why do you think they don't just give the homeless pets away for free?What would be the pros/cons?
 Kayley and I interviewed employee, Ricky the volunteer coordinator, at Wake County Animal shelter
May 17, 2012
I also interviewed a visitor at the shelter and he said, " The pros would be that you are getting a new pet an addition to the family they we are so excited to welcome into our household. The cons would be the cost of the animal, all that is  included, and the wait if the procedures haven't been done. 

For more information and where I got most of this please visihttp://www.wakegov.com/pets/adoptions/default.htm

What a face!
Taken May 14 and post May16