Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Bailey Redmond
Fashion Merchandising 

Felipe, a puppy,  was spayed and has
all ready been adopted

  • I was interested in the class because we got to work with animals. It furthered my interest by using my camera and knowing what to do with it to get great results. From there the great results were even further developed in making those great results master pieces. Blogging cam next and then turning in our final to the animal shelter was the icing on the cake, it put a smile on my face to see that they used what I made.
  • The most valuable part of this course would be learning about my camera, how to edit pictures, and how to blog. I think these three things have been most valuable for me in the course. Out of these three tho I think using my camera would be at the top for my most valuable part of this photography course. 
  • I was not expecting to learn about PhotoShop and all the entails with that program.  This program can do so much to your picture it's crazy. I'm still a little rusty at using some of the tools on there but still making progress in the right direction .
  • Photography can impact animal overpopulation by giving a visual to the people. The visual will allow the people to see what the animals look like before the claim or decided to adopt. The more photos that really bring out the animal the more get adopt and get the animals out so there isn't a boat load of animals, over the max.


I found this little piece on the American Humane Association that ties into the over population.
"Each year, approximately 8 million stray and unwanted animals are taken in by shelters across the country. Tragically, about 3.7 million -- nearly half -- of these animals must be euthanized because good homes cannot be found for them. In fact, shelter euthanasia is the leading cause of death for both dogs and cats in the United States."
-American Humane Association ; Animals, Pet Overpopulation. 
Copyright © 2011 American Humane Association  6/12/2012
Describe: Animal overpopulation is mistreating animals by breeding ( not knowing what your doing), not adopting pets,  and not knowing where the animal came from ( no information about the animal).  
             Breeding-Some people in recent years have realized that it is a good idea to spay and neuter their pets. There are a few who bread their pets to get money and others do it for the experience and fun. If you  don't get your pet fixed you and the animal are at risk, your dog or cat could go to the neighbors down the street or simply just in the yard to do their business.  Spay and neutering come in to play when puppies and kittens are more the 5 weeks old. It's the right cautious path to go down to keep your animal somewhat protected. 
           Not adopting-  If there was no option to adopt these poor animals would sitting in cages  not getting the proper attention needing.  These animals need to get out of the cage run around and be loved.  By adopting an animal you are taken them to a loving home with everything included, meaning that the dog or cat has been fixed and is healthy.
        There are a handful of cases where animals come in unidentified.  Their are many that are stray and some who's owners wont come back. It saddens me that if your pet isn't home they won't try to find it and get it back.
 Interpret:  Based on what I have learned and observed while taken this course , animal overpopulation is ridiculous.   I feel like taken care of the animal in any way shape or form is common sense. With that being said there are steps if one would like to breed their dogs and cats. I would get all the information I could before taken on the responsibilities. Once in the processes of breeding , I would then get them all fixed and treated so that they are healthy before selling and giving them away.  I have seen a few examples of kittens and litters that have been brought in either found, could take care of, and of course none of them are fixed. It is important that these animals be fixed so there are no issues at home with breeding with the wild and spreading more disease. It kills me that people just breed for the fun of it not sure what they are really doing. Overpopulation is a big issue and if people are aware of what  they are doing I think there will be and even bigger decline of population. Today there was a small litter of puppies that were getting spayed and neutered. One step in the right direction, there are little steps that people can do to prevent overpopulation too.
Evaluate: I think that society is split on the issue of overpopulation of animals.  There are some people that will do whatever it takes to get there dog fixed and car for it. Then on the flip side there are the ones that just want  more to they can make a profit, not really caring about the animal.  There a various attemps liek getting the animal neutered/spayed , adopt for a shelter that knows what they are doing, and take in account the responsibilities at sake before diving in. 











Saturday, June 9, 2012

To continue volunteering or no?

I think that I will continue to volunteer at the shelter when the course is finished next week. I can still take photos, I just got trained to walk the dogs, and who doesn’t know how to cuddle? This opportunity is amazing and it really helps out the shelter, makes me happy, and most of all means the world to each and every animal.  I really enjoy the shelter as a whole and I have learned a lot about what goes on, how the animals are doing, and what I could be doing to help.

trying to calm the dog down, give it some attention
 More pictures to come!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My 3-Step Plan

An idea of the dogs being dressed

Step One: 
      I would assist Kayley with her idea about collaborating fashion and photography. These two would be both of our creative skill working together to make a wonderful outcome. This is mainly Kayley's idea; she wants to put on a fashion show allowing the dogs to be showed off dazzled up down the runway.   There will be dogs on course, models that will show of the dogs, sponsors, etc. The dogs will be wearing collars and scarves or something the will spice them out a bit. This event will happen sometime in the fall  at either a park or a few other places possibly and the benefits will go towards the shelter. 
Step Two:
     Kayley will have to come up with a proposal to the county about what she wants to do and all the details the fashion show will include. This is a big process because it could either be accepted or denied.  I really hope is works out for her because I think that the shelter could really use every source of help to get people aware of what’s going on. 
All he needs is a Model 
and he's ready!
Step Three:
      This whole process of putting together a fashion show is time consuming. I do however think that she can get this done with my assistance and help from her boss this will turn out amazing. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Describe, Interpret & Evaluate

Describe: Photography can have an impact on so many things.   Photos can make memories last and can say a thousand words. Those could consist of weddings, birthdays, sport events, proms-school dances, graduations, family time, with your friends, trips, and more. Photography can be so useful as well. Photography is important to the animal shelter because it allows people to see them online. Once online the people can have a sense of what is at the shelter before coming. Photos can sell the animal; appearance can mean the world when it comes down to photography. If the animal looks good, meaning can see the whole figure, it’s not blurry, looks adorable in the picture.
Interpret: My artistic skills can enhance and have a great impact on the outcome.  By using various features in Photoshop, I can spice up the picture and really make is stand out. I can take a photo of the animals, brighten them up, make them un blurry, have shadows and highlights, and much more.  Another way my artistic skills can help is by adding a blurb that sparks the interest of the people.  I can add information like if they have any tricks, cuddle, and interact with people. Artistic skill can go a long way and really enhance the photos so that the animal is more visible and appealing.
Evaluate: Yes, there are other art forms that are available that would have a positive impact on the shelter. Fashion is one other art form. This form was brought me by Kayley is still being worked out and what not. But the main target in using fashion  is spicing up the animals looks.  Making various things for the animals and showing them off in places that would be appropriate such as a park of some sort. I can imagine collaborating with another art form because when it comes down to it, it’s about getting welcoming a new pet home with the love that they deserve.

I put my artistic skills into all three of these animals’ photos. They look 10 times better than the original. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Most Valuable Thing About This Class!

Taken 949 ( Photography on the Web) has really taught me a lot of various things and have opened my eyes. These various things that have opened my eyes have are very valuable.  I mean okay, so I  have a camera and no the basics, like how to turn on/off , zoom in/out, and to take picture but that's about it. Cameras and to tools that can also go with them plus the photos seem to be in their own separate world to me. 

              Most Valuable: 
{Through out this course I have found  a few aspects that were valuable}

  • Learning about Cameras:  When it comes down using my Point and Shoot camera, I really have no clue how to use it. I have learned that you can change the lighting with the different settings that you are in. I have also found useful is the what the ISO is and what is all entitled in my programs. Professor Johnstone sat down with me one on one to go over how to use my camera and what it can do. Man, now that I know how to use everything its has been amazing and picture turn out great. 
  • Blogging: With this class it entails that we have to blog. Blogging to me seems very useful and has defiantly grown on me throughout these past five weeks. It's useful to blurb about various things like this and interest you have. I will continue the world of blogging either through posting about animals or through my point of interest and major.  I really think that blogging has been valuable to me and has sure opened my eyes to new things and ideas as well.
  •  Leela
    I have change a few setting on my camera, like
    the ISO and a few other settings. In PhotoShop
    I cropped, re-sized, brighten, brought out the shadows
    and contrasts as well!!
  • PhotoShop: I have never really used this program before till this class. This tool has allowed me to spice up my photos drastically. The online videos show step by step show how to do what is asked. I find it somewhat easy and challenging at the same time. I think my progress is improving and I surely with be using this to give my pictures a little make over.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just saying "Hello"

My little guys just wanted to stop in a say "Roof Roof Roof Roof"! Keep up the fabulous work everyone, you are all almost there just two weeks away!  My male dog Puck, is just so eager for me to bring home another play date for him! He loves that we cuddle with them and really make them feel comfortable  as well. On the  other hand  my female dogs, Matilda, Stella, and Riley are just taken back on what a great thing each and every one of you are doing. You have know idea what you have done to help the shelter out but most importantly the animals.  They all again say keep of the good work and they can't wait for the next two weeks blog updates!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Techniques

Nick Id# 70781
I use the noise to get his attention
and the various tools that I
taught to bring out Nicks features
 I feel that throughout this course so far they a little bit of every technique can help. I know that the videos, class time, asking questions,and  having Professor Shannon there at the shelter have all taught me various steps to help me in my process.  The videos have assisted me with making a blog, setting up my thumb drive, and figuring out the odds and ends to PhotoShop. They are a little tricky to follow, but it really helps that Shannon shows you step by step what to do. Class times allows me to apply the techniques we learned through PhotoShop and apply them to my photos.  The third thing that helps me out is asking questions, they get me father in the process and gets me out of various issues I encounter.  The most important is Professor Shannon. She has showed use techniques with editing our photos to handling the animals. Shannon has helped us  with tools of PhotoShop that cut the time down, and other tools that really enhance our pictures. At the shelter, working with the animals she has taught us how to make noise to get the animals attention, how to approach them and with that comes the love.  I so desperately want the animals to know that we are going to harm by all means. I talk to them like if they are my own, in a calm voice, and give them the love that they deserve. I have learned that each animal requires different kind of noises, attention, and love. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Other Critters

ID# 72068
This week and some of last week I had the chance of take pictures of critters. These fellas were quite challenging to take pictures of.Growing up I had two rabbits, fourteen Guinea pigs, 3 water-slider turtles, 5 hamsters, and on top of the four dogs that animals can be a fun handful. For example,I know trying the rabbits that we had when I was a kid was challenging, they would squirm and hop around. The Guinea pigs would make whistle noise and scoot around in places where they wanted hide for me. The turtles would hide in their shells or act like they are trying to swim away in the air. The hamsters are fast and nibble here in there. So, with my experience with my personal farm house i knew my sudden movements would distract the critters.  Using photography with the critters was certainly a challenge. I know at the shelter today even with my past experiences the animals were still scared and reacted accordingly. There were newly delivered Guinea pigs, super cute but didn't want to be held. The poor little guys were startled when I brought out the camera. I wouldn't blame the critters,poor things are in a brand new place. Hopefully with a new home and some love these guys will learn to relax.