Sunday, May 20, 2012

Where do they come from?

        Like many of us in our class volunteering at Wake County Animal shelter from the past two weeks, I have began to take in, that these animals come from all over the county. The animals are spotted on the streets, neighborhood, or near complexes. People in the county bring in animals for a number of reasons. They simply are unable to care for their pets. Animal shelter and some organizations that partner with the shelter come across animals and bring them to shelter. Some people bring in the animals in because there are moving and their animals aren't allowed where their going or unable to take care of. There were a few times within the two weeks they we started at the shelter that two families had two give up animals because of them moving. Lastly and the one that breaks my heart the most is the ones that just don't want the animal at all.  Whatever the issue maybe the animals come to Wake County Animal Shelter.  I know seeing first hand how many animals come in daily, is mind blowing. I talk to my mom on the phone and it hard for her to understand why I see day to day.  I also never really new just how many people really come to the shelter to give or hand over animals.  Another part that got to me was that the ones who are attached to their animals that have to give them up. Its so hard to watch a family go through, this is defiantly an emotional process as well. Going through the main entrance and being in the lobby is a whole different world. The looks that people have on their faces is so tough to watch.  The sights that I have seen I defiantly question,"How could someone get rid of  their animal,its part of the family." It blows my mind , but since attending the shelter I have to be more open about the choice make. Me and Kayley go together and we talk about how truly hard this is to experience and watch.  Deep down this  something that means the world to me and I know that I am doing the right thing. It's a struggle not to cry and get upset but at the end of the day I feel great because I have helped in some kind in the step process to get the animal out.
ID# 71558

There was a few pictures that were good but this one was top of my list. Fabulous shot of this little guy! Maddox, he is so sweet and just wants to be loved. This was the first cat that I did not need some sort of assistance with getting his attention.  I did it by myself, and he is all curled up and ready to be cuddled with. Maddox is full of personality and ready for a home!  I am thrilled with this picture of him because of the lighting and hes looking at me. He got his fair sure of cuddling and is want more!


  1. I agree with you it is really hard sometimes being at the shelter and understanding why these people give these animals up but we just have to remember that they will have a better chance at having a good life when they come to the shelter because they will find a better home. Your image looks really good. I think you did a good job at getting a nice, clear, and bright image.

  2. I also agree it is hard to understand why people are surrendering their pets. It is important for us to stay nonjudgemental because we don't know what that person is going through.

    Your photo of Maddox is nice and bright and really brings out the pretty colors of his fur!

  3. Like our classmates, I agree that being in the lobby is extremely difficult. Watching people surrender the animals is not an easy thing to see. The image of Maddox is great because all of the colors in the fur come out. I can also agree that it is extremely hard not to cry and get emotional; however, our class is doing something truly awesome. As I talk to the other volunteers at the shelter, they are all so interested and excited to hear about our class. They hope the class can continue all year long!

  4. Maddox is a gorgeous photo! Wow! Excellent saturation, good camera control, and fantastic Photoshop corrections. The composition is very solid too.

    I am so glad you are in this class. It sounds like you are growing and learning in many ways! Good work Bailey!

  5. Thank you guys, it is again and I am trying my best to not be that judgmental! Maddox is a wonderful cat and I hope he goes home as soon as possible. Please HELP him out too!
