Friday, June 1, 2012

Other Critters

ID# 72068
This week and some of last week I had the chance of take pictures of critters. These fellas were quite challenging to take pictures of.Growing up I had two rabbits, fourteen Guinea pigs, 3 water-slider turtles, 5 hamsters, and on top of the four dogs that animals can be a fun handful. For example,I know trying the rabbits that we had when I was a kid was challenging, they would squirm and hop around. The Guinea pigs would make whistle noise and scoot around in places where they wanted hide for me. The turtles would hide in their shells or act like they are trying to swim away in the air. The hamsters are fast and nibble here in there. So, with my experience with my personal farm house i knew my sudden movements would distract the critters.  Using photography with the critters was certainly a challenge. I know at the shelter today even with my past experiences the animals were still scared and reacted accordingly. There were newly delivered Guinea pigs, super cute but didn't want to be held. The poor little guys were startled when I brought out the camera. I wouldn't blame the critters,poor things are in a brand new place. Hopefully with a new home and some love these guys will learn to relax.


  1. Your family sounds like my family; we had a farm too. I agree the little critters are hard to hold and get them to pose for the camera but I have learned once you become calm and start to pet them they will calm down and it'll be easier to photograph them. Your images are really improving each week. I can see you are using all the tools we have learned. One suggestion would be to use the levels tool to make you image a little more brighter of the bunny here but other than that it is a good image! Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thank you Kayley! I am really trying hard to use the techniques that we have learned. Hope my hard work is showing in some kind of way. I hope to get more pictures of the critters as well. After all they are took in a place where people don't really go, so they don't know that they are available. Like you said and I have mention they are a challenge but hope it will get easier. Thanks so much again!

    2. I agree with Kayley that your images are improving each week! Her suggestion about a levels correction is a good one. Little critters are tough to photograph. Perhaps you could shoot a short video that shows us the difficulty involved? You are very good with the video illustrations!!
